Tuesday 21 April 2009

Tuesday's Midnight Update

Well it's been a long, busy and thoroughly enjoyable day. I was woken up at 5.45 by the boys in the room next door who were so keen to get going.

After a superb breakfast we split into our Green and Yellow groups and headed off in different directions to our morning activities. Yellow groups headed off first along the river into the city centre to visit York Minster while Green Groups,including myself, travelled by coach to the Viking Village.

Unfortunately due to traffic we arrived slightly late. To begin with we all gathered together for the introductory talk and the children got changed into their Viking outfits. Then it came time for us adults to get changed into Saxon Slaves. I have to say that my Viking family this year were the kindest I have ever been a slave for. Betteer than the year i was made to kneel in the corner of the long house because i was smling too much.

Anyway, at the viking village we made Cresset oil lamps, did some farming, trained to be guards and ground flour to make bread.

After lunch we boarded the coach again and headed for York Minster. We were led on our tour of this magnificent building and yet agaain all the children behaved impeccably. Solomon managed to flummox the tour guard by using the word antidisestablishmentarianism in a question.

After exploring the inside of the Minster we went across to the Education Centre were we learnt more about the history of the Minster and York itself.

Then we walk back along the river to the hostel where another delicious dinner was waiting. The children have been very good with their eating and haven't wasted much food. They have always been polite and have cleared up after themselves.

This morning a couple of the hostel's other guests came down for breakfast at the same time as the children. After they had finished they approached me and told me how delightful the children were. They said they were originally a bit wary about having to share the dining room with 40 children but followed up by saying that the children were so well behaved that they were a credit to the school.

This evening Yellow group went for the ghost walk in the city whilst us Greens went to the park to play football and rounders. I'll be ble to tell you more about the ghost walk tomorrow.

We have another busy day ahead of us tomorrow so I better go and get some sleep. Hopefully Michael will not be as keen to get going tomorrow morning.

For those of you concerned about the headless teddy bear. He is currently in surgery where Dr Little is performing a very ambitious head graft. I will keep you updated.

Thanks again for your comments we all appreiate them.

Good night


Anonymous said...

Thanks Mr Leach for taking the time to write such an informative report after such a long and eventful day.The photographs are great, you all look like you had a fun and interesting time. I hope the children do not wake to early tomorrow!! Lets hope the suns shines again.:-) Phoebe B's Mum

Anonymous said...

Good to hear that the children are eating well and clearing up after themselves....
Hopefully they can remember that when they get back to their dining hall at school. I will be watching.!

LKWD said...

Sounds full on and great experience. Well done Solomon very cool word! Enjoy your swimming today and looking forwards to more excellent photos and news, Thank you Mr Leach and all the rest of you willing Saxon Slaves for taking the trouble with our Vikings. Aston's Mum

Mrs Young said...

Great photos of what looks like a great day. So pleased to hear that the children are being on their best behaviour must make your trip far more enjoyable. I can't express how much this York blog means to us parents left at home. Thank you so much! Hope teddy is recovering and remember to keep him on fulids only for the next couple of days. Looking forward to the next update. Enjoy! x

Anonymous said...

What a fun packed time the children are having! We are really enjoying catching up their adventures on the blog. Thank you to all the staff for making this such a great experience for the children.
Max's mum

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! They're so cute! Mr Topp and his group are looking ever so concerned at the viking village.I do hope whatever it was they were looking or listening to was not too traumatic. Mr Leach you are an absolute star. The write ups are fantastic. Its so reassuring to know that our children are safe and happy with wonderful teachers and helpers. Thank you so much. Phoebe W's Mum