Monday 20 April 2009

My first (not quite) Midnight report

The children all settled down rearly quickly tonight. They have all behaved superbly all day. The coach journey was uneventful and we arrived at the hostel ahead of schedule. Only one child suffered from travel sickness on the journey (albeit four times) but Mrs Little was on hand -it's just a shame she couldnt do anything for the teddy whose head came off - a bandage was the best she could manage.

Once we arrived at the hostel the children discovered what rooms they were in and they soon got down to unpacking and making beds. Dinner was of its usual high standard. The spaghetti bolognese seemed to be the most popular choice for the children although I can recommend the beef cobbler.

After dinner we went for a walk through the fields behind the youth hostel. The weather has been fantastic today and it was still quite warm as the sun set. When we returned for the walk the children all gathered in the lounge for a bedtime story and then it was off to bed.

Tomorrow we are off to the Viking village (my personal highlight of the week) and York Minster.

The important question now is... what time will the first one wake?

Good night all - thanks for all the comments so far, all the staff enjoy reading them.


Anonymous said...

Lovely to hear everyone settled down quickly. Enjoying the regular updates. Wishing everyone a wonderful day out today and lets hope for Mrs Little sake no more sickness!.

Anonymous said...

it is really nice to hear everyone arrived safely espeaicaly for anxious parents lol i will check in later and see how the viking village was,have a lovely day the sun is shininig thats always a good start speak soon levi gealls mum x

lisap said...

What no exploding hairdryers ??? glad its all going to plan, midnight feast tonight ?

Mrs Young said...

Great to hear that everyone has settled in so nicely. Can't wait to hear about the adventures at Viking Village. Blessed with this beautiful sunshine, it's going to be a fab day for all. Wish I was in year five again!

Kate Young's mum

Philippa Stanley said...

I'm glad to see that you all got there safely, and seem to be settling in quickly! I hope Ellis managed to get some sleep last night and was not too upset about his budgie dying on sunday. Any tears would be from that and not home sickness. Have a fantastic day and i hope you make the kids take lots of lovely pics of their trip!
Ellis' mum x

Anonymous said...

After the long journey, now the FUN begins!! I am so glad that the weather is good for you all. I hope they didn't wake to early this morning! Have a Wonderful time (children and staff alike) and we look forward to hearing about your adventures. Phoebe B's Mum

Anonymous said...

Sounds like everyone is having a great time. Thank you to all the staff making this trip possible.
Gareth(Chloe Shaw's dad)

Anonymous said...

Great update and photos! Trying to think whether my little girl packed a teddy or not! Hopefully if bandaged well it should make a full recovery when it gets home:) enjoy a lovely day!!!

Christian Smith (Megan)

kchapman said...

Hope you are all having a lovely time you are being lucky with the weather, fingers crossed it stays good. Sean is reminiscing about the fantastic trip he had last year !! A big thank you to all the adults who make the trip possible!!! x Lauren's Mum

Anonymous said...

Good to hear all the news so far. I do appreciate the time you are putting into it Mr.Leach (23.36pm)!!
A BIG thank you to all the staff - without you, our children wouldn't be going on a fantasic trip. I'm very jealous not having been to York before. Hope to hear more news and gossip later..!!
Sam Heaps x (Harrison)

Anonymous said...

loving the updates,it's so nice to have the information, glad to hear the children are enjoing themselves.Elliot's brother is wondering if the train museum is visible from the hostel!Enjoy the rest of your week everyone - Elliot J's Mum xxx

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to hear all the news and see the lovely pics. It's given us parents lots to talk about when we have met up at playgroup! A big thank you to all the staff and have a great week.
Katie Webster's mum

Mrs Maskell and Christopher said...


Good to see you all got there safe I like watching what you doing and looking at the pictures of my friens have fun

From Christopher Maskell

Alison Walker said...

You wont find any chocolate under there Louis Walker but there is some in your suitcase!!! Hope everybody enjoys the week in York. Louis walkers mum x

Kim Sellers said...

Glad everyone is having a good time. It's great to read the updates and keep upto date with what is going on in York. Hope you all slept well and that Josh didn't sleep walk, apologies if he did or does!!!Enjoy games and story time tonight. Love to all, Kim - Joshua's mum xx

Anonymous said...

Weather just been so great for you all. Excellent blog, luv reading what your all up to. Keep it up, fantastic what your all doing. Am sure megan (smith) is havin a brill time!!

Megan's mum xx

Hannah's Mum said...

So glad to hear that you all arrived safely and that everyone was settled into their rooms for the night. It was lovely to see the photos, and to read about some of the exciting activites that the children will be enjoying. It's very quiet at home, in contrast to the Youth Hostel I suspect! Have a lovely day tomorrow. Hannah's Mum.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are all having a fantastic time so far, thanks to Mr Leach for updates, eagerly await more. Ollie doesnt know what to do with himself!
Hope weather stays fine, Dylans mum x

Anonymous said...

Really enjoying keeping up with the news-so thank you for the regular updates!! I look forward to the updates. Hope the weather stays good for you all and wishing you all two more great days- Alex M H's mum xx